Elimination of Stepped-Up Basis Concern for Agricultural Families

April 30, 2021 admin 0

In his first address to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday, President Joe Biden called for an end to “stepped-up basis” as a part of his tax plan aimed at paying for infrastructure and transportation upgrades, which drew a round of concern from commodity and general farm groups.

Missouri Farmers Looking to Crack Carbon Credit Code

April 1, 2021 admin 0

As the Biden Administration and Congress push forward their climate change agenda, including massive reductions in emissions and sequestration of carbon, some Missouri growers will get to determine if agricultural carbon markets hold any promise for producers across the country.

Scott Expected to Chair Next House Agriculture Committee

December 3, 2020 admin 0

Though the House will remain under Democratic control in the 117th Congress, voters in Minnesota failed to back the current Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, Collin Peterson. His loss has provided a path for Rep. David Scott to become the next Chairman.