New Five-Year Beef Industry Long Range Plan Approved

DENVER, CO – Cattle industry leaders laid out their future objectives and priorities last week during the annual Cattle Industry Summer Business Meeting.

The Beef Industry Long Range Plan Task Force introduced its new five-year plan during the National Cattleman’s Beef Association event and includes four industry objectives.
(1.) Grow global demand for U.S. beef by promoting beef’s healthy and nutritional benefits, satisfying flavor, and unparalleled safety.
(2.) Improve industry-wide profitability by expanding processing capacity and developing improved value-capture models.
(3.) Intensify efforts in researching, improving and communicating U.S. beef industry sustainability.
(4.) Make traceability a reality in the U.S. beef industry.

In addition, the Task Force presented five core strategies including:
(1.) Drive growth in beef exports.
(2.) Grow consumer trust in beef production.
(3.) Develop and implement better business models to improve price discovery and value distribution across all segments.
(4.) Promote and capitalize on the multiple advantages of beef.
(5.) Safeguard and cultivate investment in beef industry research, marketing, and innovation.