Soybean Industry Leader Lending Voice to “Cowan’s Corner”

Wade Cowan is a farmer, business owner and media host from Brownfield, Texas (Photo Courtesy ASA)

LUBBOCK, TX – Wade Cowan is a name many within agricultural industry circles know. Some know him as a diversified farmer in West Texas, growing cotton, sorghum, soybeans, and cotton. Others will know him from his days in leadership with the American Soybean Association (ASA), serving as the organization’s President (2014-2015) and later as Chairman (2015-2016).

As strange as it may seem to have a president of the largest soybean organization in the United States coming from dry and arid West Texas (Brownfield, TX), Cowan wasn’t the first. Actually, 40 years before he took the reins W.B. Tilson from nearby Plainview (TX) led the organization from 1973 to 1975.

Today, Cowan is deeply involved in his farming operation as well as a couple of other business interests. Wade spends a good amount of time with Brownfield Seed and Delinting which has been locally owned since 1959 and offers growers conventional cottonseed.

Generally outspoken and always entertaining, Wade will begin offering others in and out of agriculture a unique perspective on agriculture and rural America through his regularly scheduled program, “Cowan’s Corner”. The West Texas native will begin his partnership with Paramount Broadcasting Corporation’s All Ag, All Day! and online at